
Confined Space Form

Confined Space Entry Assessment

Space Information

Related Operating Procedures Reviewed

Confined Space Assessment Checklist, Part 1

If any answers to 1,2, or 3 are "No", this space will be considered a Non-Confined Space.

Confined Space Assessment Checklist, Part 2

If answers to 4, 4a, and 4b are all Yes, this will be considered an Alternate Space.

Confined Space Assessment Checklist, Part 3

Assessed Hazards

Oxygen Deficiency: Less than 19.5%
Oxygen Enrichment: More than 23.5%
Flammable Gases or Vapors: More than 10% LEL
Toxic Gases or Vapors: More than PEL
Airborne Combustible Dusts: Meets/ Exceeds LFL
Potential for Excessive Flow: Large diameter pipe, changes in flow

Space Properties

Remarks/ Recommendations

I certify that I have conducted a confined space assessment of the above designated space. To the best of my knowledge, I believe the information contained herein to be true and accurate as of the time of the assessment.
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